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Socket programming

03/2023 - 04/2023

Tech Stack:


Description: How UCP and TCP work for both client and server

Project description

This project is used for learning the socket programming using the socket API from python. UDP and TCP are being studied and the topics of timeout.


How to run the client:
$ python3 your_client.py HELLO Server_IP Server_Port ConnectionID

How to run the server: 
$ python3 your_server.py Server_IP Server_Port

Server response

server will keep a list of in-use connectionID and two types of response that the server will respond

  • OK: If the connectionID specified by the client is not in use, your server adds the connectionID to its list of in-use IDs and responds with an OK message
    • the server includes the client IP address and client port number in its return message. Thus, the server message looks like “OK ConnectionID Client_IP Client_Port”
    • Example would be "OK 9876 12345"
  • Reset: If the connectionID specified by the client is in use, your server responds with a RESET message. The RESET message starts with the string “RESET” and echoes back the client-provided connectionID.
    • the server message is “RESET ConnectionID”.
    • For example, "RESET 9876"

Time out

Client Side

  • If the client receives an OK message, it prints out a “Connection established” message, indicating the connectionID, its IP address, its port number, and the current timestamp. Then, the client exits gracefully after closing any open sockets.
  • If the client doesn’t receive a reply within 15 seconds, it should timeout and follow the protocol below
  • Suppose the client receives a RESET message or timeouts after 15 seconds. In that case, it prints out a “Connection Error” message with the connection ID and the current timestamp, and asks the user to enter a new connection ID. Then, it retries to establish a connection again with a newly created socket and with this newly entered connection ID to the same server. After three tries to establish a connection without success to the same server, the client prints a “Connection Failure” message with the current timestamp and exits gracefully after closing any open sockets.
    • Connection Error print out example: “Connection Error 2678 on 2023- 01-16 06:06:06.123456”
    • After three tries, print out: “Connection Failure on 2023-01-16 06:06:06.123456”

Server Side:

  • waiting for a connection request but does not receive any requests from any clients for two minutes, your server should timeout and exit gracefully after closing any open sockets.
  • ConnectionID Timeout: your server should timeout and remove connectionIDs that have been in its connectionID list for more than 30 seconds